Find out how much your home is worth

Looking to Sell Your Portland or Vancouver home?

Experienced, Licensed & Trusted

We pride our selves in providing the best representation to are clients. Helping get the best value of there home in today’s active market. Instead of settling for a valuation just based off of your property tax records. We have your home individually valuated to the trends of the current market. We insure the best most accurate listing price, and you avoid having your home under valued by 20% at a discount brokerage.

5 Day Turnaround

No under pricing for a quick sale. We do the leg work to provide the best competitive price in your neighborhood. As well as guarantying your home sold without compromises. 

How it Works

1. In-Home Consultation

We present a selection of market activity, materials, and products while working within your budget to sell your home stress free.

2. Marketing & Plan

Our marketers creates a comprehensive plan, including design advertisements by doing so we run your home through the market and get the best value for your home. ​

3. Sale

Our reviewing managers oversees every step of the transaction, to insure that the prosses goes smoothly through every step of the way. From the day your home goes live on the market. To the day of escrow closing.

Locals who have Sold their homes

We Found are Home

With are Family Growing. We sold are small home, and had enough money for a good down payment for next home. - Rebecca K

Best in Value

My home was sold at asking price. Which was higher then other Brokers wanted to list it for. Defiantly got the full treatment in the sale my home. - Greg C

We love it!

Being new to the city, we wanted to know the area before making a big decision. We got to see everything, and we had no hesitation with are new home. - Ken

Perfect Home for a Perfect Price

We didn't know how much more our house was worth. Decide to down size and had money left for travel. - Josh & Ashley

Free No Strings Attached Valuation

Frequently Asked Questions

 Being involved first hand with the market. We stay with all the current trends. Get a valuation of your home with the accuracy of the current market, and with constant updated stats.

With the stress that comes with buying a new home. You tend to forget to take many things into consideration. We take the do diligence to bring forth all aspects of buying a home. So that nothing surprises you before or after making an offer, and prevent any uncertainties with your new home.

We are a local owned agency, with a large foot print in the Portland and Vancouver Metro area. In our agency we have experts in all categories. To provide exceptional service to all clients with any special and specific needs.

We understand that in this market, a lot of buyers are first time home buyers. We can give you the full run down of what to expect and what it’s like to go through the process of buying a home. We will walk you through from start to finish and give you are full care and support.

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